Welcome to The Kaleidoscope 2022
Taster Week Schedule Page

Click on the links below to find the sessions. Enjoy! 


Introduction to the Kaleidoscope Taster Week +
Class: The Cat’s Meow (click here)
Teacher: Tamara Laporte


Join Tam on a journey in creating this wonderful fluffy kitty cat using watercolour paints, colour pencils and some posca pens. We will have some wonderful creative fun together! LET’S BEGIN!

Class: Wallflower (click here)
Teacher: Toni Burt


Toni is a mixed-media artist and potter. Creating art and the challenge of trying something new is what brings her joy. She is constantly trying new things, techniques and styles, to expand herself. Exploring with line and form and the challenge of working with materials in different ways is key to her creative style.

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Class: Exploring Art by Design (click here)
Teacher: Kim Dellow


Kim Dellow is passionate about helping others to express their creative selves. A self-taught, mixed media artist, who has worked for over 10 years in the creative industries, teaching, writing articles for magazines, creating content and designing products. She is driven to learn, explore and share. She loves to bring her experience, knowledge and skills together to help others to access their creative side and make the most of their creative time, even if it is just a few minutes a day.



Class: Tribute to the Oceans (click here)
Teacher: Ida Andersen Lang


Ida Andersen Lang is a Visionary Fine Artist and Online Art Teacher from Copenhagen, Denmark.

She has been a creator all her life, expressing her love for the mystery of life, through art. She also holds a year long tradition of passing on the light and joy of making art, through her online art teachings.

Class: James Baldwin (click here)
Teacher: Nadyia Duff


Nadyia Duff is a Jamaican/American Artist, Art Educator, and Museum Educator.

Nadyia Duff creates elaborate narratives using her method of drawing and painting. She combines the painterly artistic styles with the realistic. Every layer of her traditional work is a unique and uncalculated build up of mediums and color. Together, the juxtaposition of roughly drawn background imagery and the detailed subject imagery creates vast visual narratives

Class: Patchwork Elephant (click here)
Teacher: Eulalia Mejia


Eulalia started exploring mixed-media and fell head over heels with the freedom it offers, the possibility to go from one technique to another means there is always something new to learn. Her first approach to this world happened when she started creating and altering small books where she would play with newly learned techniques and color combinations, often using weird and whimsical characters as her main subject.



Class: Crystal Cave Magic (click here)
Teacher: Andrea Gomoll


Andrea Gomoll-Wünsche is a mixed media & watercolor artist and art instructor from Berlin, Germany, where she lives with her husband Thomas and 3 crazy cats. She studied design in Berlin and started her own business as an artist, art instructor and designer in 2009, sharing her love and passion for everything creative with the world ever since – though teaching live and online classes as well as through her publications and product line with adult coloring pages, Clearstamps, the Cre8tive Cre8tions Oracle Deck etc. Watercolors are her media of choice and she loves mixing them with other media to create cheerful, colorful pieces.

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Class: The Magic of Life (click here)
Teacher: Angela Murray


Angela is an intuitive artist who aims to help you discover what you really want, let go of any beliefs which are holding you back, bring those forgotten dreams into the light and find the courage to go for them.

“Art helped me to re-discover myself and unearthed my locked away dreams and desires. I had to unpack and let go of beliefs that were holding me back and to trust that everything would work out for the better. And OMG it really has.”.

Class: An Ode to Parenthood (click here)
Teacher: Tamara Laporte


Join Tam creating this special piece which really comes from the heart and is an interpretation of the famous painting ‘The Three Ages of Woman” by Gustav Klimt.



Class: Painting a Vibrant Tree Frog in Gouache
(click here)

Teacher: Jordan Rhodes


Jordan was in graduate school when he reluctantly began sharing his work on Instagram. He has since built a beautiful, kind community online and has worked with high profile clients like Strathmore, Princeton Brushes, Sktchy, Columbia Records, Disney Plus, and Grammy nominated artist D Smoke.

“I work with traditional and digital media, with gouache paint as a current favorite. Subject matter is mostly portraiture, although I always aim to keep learning and try new things.”

Class: The Mighty Bison (click here)
Teacher: Stephanie Gerace


Stephanie is a portrait artist living, creating and teaching in Augusta, Georgia.

She admits to having a bit of a split personality when it comes to her artistic style. With her pet portraits she leans towards the realistic and her portraits of people go the other way with a  slightly distorted, illustrative style.  But with both of these, she always includes bold unexpected colors and textures.

Class: Ocean Eyes (click here)
Teacher: Tamara Laporte


Join Tam in creating this beautiful portrait painting. Tam is focusing on an inspiring young musician, Billie Eilish, as inspiration for this piece and the work centres around a triadic colour scheme.



Class: Ode to Joy (click here)
Teacher: Lauren Rudolph


From a very early age Lauren was drawn to portraiture. She has always had a fascination with the face and the essence of what it means to be human.

Early in her creative life, pastels were her medium of choice, but she was deeply inspired by paint which she has explored through both acrylics and oils. She feels that there is a life and an energy in painting that is full of depth and that there is so much to yet uncover.

Lauren feels that she is now truly the student she desires to be, always open to learning, growing and allowing the artistic process to lead the way.

Class: Inspiration in Maya Angelou’s Words
(click here)

Teacher: Christa Forrest


Christa is a full-time artist specializing in pastel, oil, acrylic and mixed media art. After spending 20 years in a finance career, she decided to follow her true passion and become a full-time artist. Christa spends her time sharing her passion with others, teaching others to be creative and exploring the world’s landscape recreating it onto canvas. Her work is a mixture of real- ism, exploration, experimentation and pure fun.

Class: Georgia O’Keefe
(click here)

Teacher: Renata Loree


Renata Loree is a Czech-born mixed-media artist and teacher.

“I have painted all my life, but I have never thought that art would become the main thing that took over. I do not know if this is a refuge, or is t something that I have to do in order to function properly in this life, but from my experience so far, there seams to be no other option then just keep going.
I have learned by watching, listening and tuning in. I used to love to copy and learned from old master painting, but now, I am just looking for my own intuitive voice.”



Class: Audubon (click here)
Teacher: Danita Art


Danita is a mixed-media artist and online art teacher.


“To me, creation is not a choice, but an imperative from the inscrutable exhortations from my soul. I must create to feel alive, and to let my mind flow in peace, exploring every corner of the worlds I create.

I chose mixed media, watercolors and hand sculpted art dolls to express my emotions. I only paint females, concentrating on expressing emotions and feelings trough colors and shapes without much thought on how realistic they should be.”

Class: National Redwoods (click here)
Teacher: Panela Vosseler


Pamela is a professional mixed-media artist.

“I have been creating art since I was a young girl. My first piece was a whimsical girl with a long arm that touched her shin. My mom loved it.

In 2010, I tried mixed media and found my freedom. I love adding collage, oil pastels, charcoal, graphite, and encaustic to my work. And sometimes, I will put all of these on the same page. Remember, you never know what you can do, if you don’t at least try.”

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Class: A Contract with Trees (click here)
Teacher: Effy Wild


Effy is a mixed media journal artist and teacher with a studio full of delicious art supplies and a house full of gorgeous fur-faces. She lives in London, Ontario, Canada, and considers it her vocation to assist other creatives in meeting themselves on the page.

Class: Feeling the Flow (click here)
Teacher: Jenny Grant


Jenny is a mixed-media artist living in Stockholm, Sweden, on a mission to inspire people to be brave, to use their creativity and to do more of what they love.


“I love painting big and I paint in many layers and create my art based on an interesting process where my imagery emerges while painting. I work with mixed media – acrylic paint, ink, oil pastels, color pencils, fabrics, paper, photos… anything that comes my way.

My work is very rich with many layers that add depth and texture to my work.  There are no limits, nothing is wrong and there are no mistakes. The process is the fun! My paintings evolve as I paint. With layers on layer I create depth, texture and details. Being creative allows me to explore myself, to let go and it helps me to be here and now.”


All lessons are available for free until 4th July.
If you want life-long access and the option to download the videos, please join the Kaleidoscope Course with 30% off.

Kaleidoscope, the full course, will begin on August 1st, registration opens on June 21st, however you can pre-order it now if you want to! yay! :)

Click here to pre-order the course now!

Read more about Kaleidoscope by clicking here.

Learn from 17 amazing artists, spend 4 months creating art, learning about colour & colour theory while exploring the beauty of the world & the human spirit!