All Art Classes

Compassionate Flow – Deer Girl

This lesson was first published as part of ‘The Art of Sisterhood 2018’ and is now available as a stand alone class!

We are going to create a painting that includes a front facing whimsical girl with a deer and bird on a layered background :)

In this lesson Iโ€™m working with one of my โ€˜risen aboveโ€™ stories which I encourage you too, to do. You may end up, for that reason with very different imagery which is totally ok! Use this lesson as inspiration or follow it to the tee: either is completely fine. I want this lesson to serve you the best way possible.

This lesson is supported by a PDF.

Approximately 3 hours of video content.

See you there! :D

Click on image below to enter see photos of the type of painting we’ll make:


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  • All class content is downloadable
  • Type of lesson: self study class
  • Video + PDF content
  • Life Long Access
  • Work from the comfort of your own home

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