All Art Classes

Life Book 2020 *

Course skill level: Beginner & Intermediate

For questions about Life Book contact Tam and the Willowing Team on [email protected]

“Life Book, a celebration and honouring of YOU”
is a year-long mixed media art class
organised by Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts.

Tam is joined by 30 incredible artists, crafters and healers who are all gearing up to share their art, crafting and personal growth techniques with YOU! With a holistic approach to creativity, self-development and healing, you’ll be creating several loose mixed media art journal pages per month which by the end of the year you will bind into a glorious journal (a Life Book)! This year you will also be able to try out other art crafts like art doll making & basket weaving and we will also provide you with nurturing and nourishing personal development activities (like yoga and NVC) to support any personal development you’re undertaking. Your final book with your art work in it will function as wonderful keepsake that you can treasure for the rest of your life!

Registration Now Open!
Class Begins January 1st!

Watch this video to learn more about Life Book 2020!

Tamara Laporte - Host

Hi there creative friend! My name is Tam! Thank you for stopping by and checking out the Life Book information. Life Book is SUCH a precious project to me, I pour my be-end-all into this baby each year. Let me tell you all about it. It’s kinda an offer you can’t refuse I’m sure! Over 3350+ wonderful people joined us on Life Book last year (and over 23,300+people have joined it since its inception in 2012!), it’s been an incredible experience (it’s still going as we speak). People have learned so much! They’ve created such beautiful art work and they’ve been so brave when digging deeper into some of the personal development exercises! I receive uplifting emails almost daily from participants telling me how Life Book has enriched their lives (check out the testimonials by scrolling down or clicking here) I’m so honoured and blessed to be the host of this fantabulous course each year. I count my lucky stars every day!

We continue with the New & Improved,
Bigger & Better Life Book Format!

In 2018 we made the Life Book offer more holistic by opening the course up to other art forms (like clay work, photography and  writing) + we also brought in more wellness experts that will support people on their wellness/ personal development journey!! It’s very much in line with my very first vision for Life Book when I first started dreaming up the concept in 2011! :)

We will continue to offer the following extra features on top of the basic course which contains over 65 mixed media sessions.
  • Additional healing AND art disciplines (We have invited several other experts who do things like yoga/ aromatherapy/ NVC & mindfulness etc + other art disciplines like sculpture/ doll making/ photography & writing etc to make the entire healing/ wellness aspect of Life Book more holistic (these offers are on top of the art lessons not instead of)
  • Virtual Life Book Gift (or Swag) Bag!!! :D Everyone who signs up to Life Book gets a virtual ‘goodie bag’ filled with things like: high res prints (for you to print out), exclusive discount codes from teachers and sponsors, free ebooks and ezines and other awesome stuff! yay!
  • I will run several Facebook live sessions , these will be in the form of: Check ins/ FAQs/ Impromptu art sessions & They will be recorded and available for those who can’t make the live sessions.
  • Life long access to all content + all content is downloadable
  • Continued Life Long Access to all Life Book SUMMIT content!

In a nutshell, this is the Incredible Life Book offer:

 A minimum of 6-8 in depth Mixed Media Art Lessons + a Minimum of 4 Bonus Sessions by me: Tam  (it usually ends up being more than that though because I get excited about all the new things I learn and find it difficult not to share haha!)
21 In depth Mixed Media Art Lessons by Spectacular Guest Teachers (see below who the 2020 guest teachers are)
Between 12 – 18 additional arts & craft and wellness sessions with experts in this field (check the teacher profile doc to see what each expert has to offer)
21 (Smaller) Bonus Activities like: extra PDF prompts & step by steps/ artist interviews/ ATC swaps/ give aways/ audio meditations/ writing prompts etc by Tam &  Guest Teachers
 3 Facebook Live Sessions with me, Tam (1 per term)
  Access to all summit content
  The Life Book Gift Bag with lots of goodies/ free classes and discounts!

In other words: you get over 80+ inspiring, creative, uplifting and life enriching sessions this year with creative and wellness experts that will blow your mind!


So basically you continue to receive creative inspiration and prompts WEEKLY (without fail, every week there is something for you to enjoy) and all that for ONLY £109 GBP or approx $130 USD (the course content is valued at over $3000+ so you get a year filled with incredible lessons and inspiration for only a fraction of the retail price, is that awesome or awesome?) There is no catch here, just me and a bunch of awesome other artists & wellness experts wanting you to have access to a ‘library’ of inspiring & educational art lessons and personal development tools that help you enrich your life. Simple as that. :) I personally believe that practising self care through art & self enquiry creates happier people and happier people equals a better world (happy people are nice to others and spread light and goodness! and sometimes: muffins!!!). :-) But seriously though: happiness is serious business, in that, it truly benefits you and the world & people around you!

I’m so excited about all the fantastic contributions this year! We have a range of truly incredible artists contributing their wisdom, light, beauty and artistic talent to the course, people like Jane Davenport, Cinnamon Cooney, Andrea Gomoll, Jenny Grant, Amy Maricle & Shiloh Sophia McCloud are only a handful of the amazing teachers contributing to Life Book 2020! (Scroll down to read about the entire teacher line up for LB2020!!)

Isn’t this just awesome? Of course, I am totally biased, but if I came across an offer like this myself: I would jump at the chance! Not only because you can download all the videos which means that even if you fall behind or if you can’t participate for a while, you can revisit the lessons at your own time in the future should you want to. :)

SKU: life-book-2020-t Categories: ,


Ready to sign up? Excited?! :)

Just pick one of the packages below, hit ‘add to cart’ and we’ll get you all set up to have a fantastic 2020! :) - Oh and just so you know; if you can’t wait until Jan 1st to get art-making, we’ve made some of our ‘premium packages’ EXTRA affordable this year! If you sign up to one of the premium packages, you get access to the self-study courses you’ve chosen IMMEDIATELY! YAY! So you can get your creative juices flowing in prep for Life Book 2020! Yay! You won’t have to wait until Jan 1st to access to your extra courses. Cool huh?! :D

If you want to GIFT Life Book to someone, click this ‘this is a gift’ tick box on the check out page and enter the recipient’s email address. They will then be set up with an account and notified that they received a gift from you! Aww. :) 

Please note: if you are based in Europe, VAT MOSS local tax will be included in the prices you see below. 

Basic Package

Basic Package

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person.

£109.00Add to basket

Premium Package

Premium Package

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to one of Tam’s other self study courses.

£121.00Add to basket

Rainbow Package

Rainbow Package

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to two of Tam’s other self study courses.

£132.00Add to basket

LB2020 Extreme

LB2020 Extreme

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to one of the “Life Book Tam Editions” – Please note: Life Book Tam editions include all of Tam’s Life Book lessons for that year: these classes DO NOT include the Life Book guest teachers’ classes from previous years – you’re only buying extra Tam classes from previous Life Book years.

£74.50Add to basket

LB2020 Double Extreme

LB2020 Double Extreme

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to two of the “Life Book Tam Editions” (choose on the next page) – Please note: Life Book Tam editions include all of Tam’s Life Book lessons for that year: these classes DO NOT include the Life Book guest teachers’ classes from previous years – you’re only buying extra Tam classes from previous Life Book years.

£88.00Add to basket

LB2020 ALL (the life book products) for total and complete Life Book junkies! :))

LB2020 ALL (the life book products) for total and complete Life Book junkies! :))

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to all seven of the “Life Book Tam Editions” (LB 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019 Tam Editions) – Please note: Life Book Tam editions include all of Tam’s Life Book lessons for that year: these classes DO NOT include the Life Book guest teachers’ classes from previous years – you’re only buying extra Tam classes from previous Life Book years.

£204.50Add to basket

Art Explosion Package!

Art Explosion Package!

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to all eight of the “Life Book Tam Editions” (2012/2013/2014/ 2015/2016/2017/2018/2019) – (Please note: Life Book Tam editions include all of Tam’s Life Book lessons for that year: these classes DO NOT include the Life Book guest teachers’ classes from previous years – you’re only buying extra Tam classes from previous Life Book years.) + life long access to two of Tam’s other self study courses (choose below).

£207.00Add to basket

Pick & Mix! Create your own personalised package! :)

Pick & Mix! Create your own personalised package! :)

No size fits all right? And not all of our Life Book packages fits all either! If you have a package in mind that is not on this list, we will HAPPILY create this package for you, just email us with your wishes and we’ll provide you with a great deal! :) Email: [email protected]

Terms & Policies

* Monthly payment plans and plans for other packages are available!  Please email us on [email protected] to discuss bespoke payment plans

* All other currency listings are approximate and depend entirely on the daily exchange rate – final sales are in GBP – check for currency conversions).

* Refund Policy: Before the start of the course you can request a refund for the full course fee up to 60 days after the date of purchase. No refund can be given after the course has started.

* Other payment forms: You can pay through paypal or STRIPE (credit card) on this site, if neither of these two options suit you, we can also offer an international bank transfer. If you need to pay through this option, please email us on [email protected]. Please note: you can pay through paypal with a credit card even if you don’t have a paypal account

Discount Codes can sadly not be applied to the payment plans as payment plans are highly time consuming & costly to manage for the Willowing Team.

* When you buy any of Willowing Arts LTD products you agree to their Terms & Conditions which can be read here.

Do you want to find out more? Keep on reading creative friend! :)

These are some of the Life Books I’ve made in the last 8 years!

 Exciting right? :-) I get letters daily (deeply moving ones) from Life Book participants letting me know Life Book has enriched their lives. I feel so blessed and lucky to be able to provide a program that truly helps people feel better about themselves! But let me stop gushing and let some of the Life Book students have their say:

Praise for Life Book by Previous Participants

Unbelievable, Life changing, jammed packed classes for any skill level. Wonderful teachers that explain and guide you to create in a loving environment. They even have a Facebook group just for you and your class mates to share and support one another. You will not be sorry, Tam is amazing and will have you relaxed and comfortable and all the teachers are as well. There is something in Life Book that is waiting for just you. – Denise Sorro-Butler – Tennessee, USA

Honestly, it is the best course I have taken in my life (seriously). I have learned so much and it is helping to make my art evolve.  The teachers are wonderful.  If you would’ve shown me some of the pieces I did from this course a year ago,  I wouldn’t have believed I could have created them. This is the most amazing course EVER!  I am so glad I stumbled across the mention on Facebook. – Susan Romita – New York, USA

I have grown so much and learned so much about how my different art materials work. I’ve struggled and been astounded at things I’ve created. I’ve been blown away by some of my fellow classmates’ work, and I am determined not to compare my near-beginning to someone else’s middle! I’ve learned how to fix things if I mess up and I’m more confident in my work. And I had fun! I think you undervalue the course – it is worth far more than we pay for it. But I understand you want to keep it affordable for a larger number of people. And Tam, I love love love the little dance you do at the beginning of your videos! It makes me so happy. – Life Book is an amazing mixed media journey with a great variety of teachers, where you have a lesson each week and you learn more than you ever thought possible. It’s an amazing value for what you receive. You MUST do it! –  Kim DuPree

Life Book is a weekly on line event that is like a party and a classroom. It teaches participants skills in self-care and emotional well-being that I, as a licensed professional counselor, could charge a tidy sum to teach! Combining this teaching with art is the kind of art therapy we taught in the residential program where I worked. Tam and her guest artists do this in lovely non-intrusive ways that are not overwhelming for any one who has not experienced it, but are satisfying for those of us who have. Further, where ever you place yourself on the continuum of skill as an artist, you will still grow and learn from this course. The classes with Tam are priceless, then she adds guests artists to bring in their unique perspectives. I look forward to find this in my email every week! I highly recommend it for all!! – Janet Howerton


You can read many more testimonials here and here. :)

Life Book > More Information and Teacher Line Up!

How does Life Book work?

Once you have sent payment through you get immediate access to the class content (class opens on January 1st 2020). After you paid the course fee on the site here an account will be created for you automatically. Your classes will be accessible in a special ‘member area’. After you’ve logged in; simply click on ‘my account’ in the top right hand corner and it will take you to your classes. Class work can be shared in a private (secret) Facebook group that is only accessible to Life Book students.

While the course is running; you will be notified by email every Monday that a new lesson is up. You will find download instructions in the lesson thread that we link you to. You can then watch the lessons in your own time at home, do your work and share your work in the Facebook group (should you want to – it’s not necessary to share your work if you do not want to). You can create your paintings on single pages which by the end of the year will be bound into a book, a Life Book :) Sounds exciting no? :)

You will be able to:
  • Download all class materials to your machine, keep them forever
  • Learn many new mixed media techniques and styles
  • Grow and develop both personally and artistically
  • Receive extra inspiration, like PDF worksheets, art journal prompts, ATC swaps, guided visualisations & meditations, artist interviews etc!
  • Hang out with Tam on her Live FB sessions
  • Enjoy exclusive discount codes from teachers and extra gifts available to Life Book students only! :)
  • Connect with like-minded creative people
  • Make new artistic connections
  • Become part of a buzzing/ thriving art community for a whole year!

About Tam’s Life Book Lessons

Tam provides completely new (unseen) art lessons to Life Book each year (there are no repeat lessons apart from the binding videos posted in December). Please note: the personal development themes will overlap/ be similar and be repeats from previous years and may include meditations that have been included before. Though the art lessons are new each year, techniques/ topics or styles that were covered in previous years may be repeated. Tam’s Life Book lessons become available in a self study group once the Life Book year is finished. These classes are called; Life Book Tam Editions.

Who are the awesome artists & experts
contributing to Life Book?

Hold on to your seats, guys, we have yet another fantastic line-up!! :D

I am so privileged and honoured, excited and joyful to have the following amazing artists contribute their skill, time, knowledge and energy to Life Book 2020!


Shiloh Sophia McCloud Jane Davenport Jenny Grant Andrea Gomoll
Amy Maricle Christa Forrest Cinnamon Cooney Effy Wild
Toni Burt Anne-Laure Jacquart Tiffany Goff Smith Renee Mueller
Kim Dellow Melanie Rivers Cathy Nichols Nikol Wikman
Sabra Awlad Issa Sarah Trumpp Lisa Oxley Salma Darling
Stephanie Ignazio Iris Fritschi-Cussens Tonia Jenny Jennifer Engle
Kassi Martin  Dar James Jerney Marisha Vania Phitidis


Andy Mason Tamara Laporte (Host)


If you want to read more about these gorgeous artists and see some examples of their beautiful works, make sure to download the ‘teacher profile pdf’ from this link:

Life Book 2020 Teacher Profile Document

Want to know exactly what you’ll be learning?
Download the Year Schedule with all class descriptions here: 

Yearly Schedule for Life Book 2020

Who can sign up to Life Book?

Can I join Life Book too if I haven’t done any art before?

OF COURSE YOU CAN! Life Book is for EVERYONE! :) Sure, the course will be easier if you’ve done some art already, but don’t deprive yourself of learning the awesome magic making and healing power of art just because you haven’t done it before! The course is suitable for beginners/ intermediates and masters alike! Everyone will get something different out of the course. The course is run in an open, supportive, inclusive and encouraging environment where you can play, experiment, make a ‘fool’ of yourself and start all over again! There will be no judgement, we will only love you and encourage you! :) All lessons are conducted in such a way that you can follow the tutors step by step, so you can do what they do, and if that bores you, then you can go totally off the rails and do your own thing inspired by their lesson! Sounds good? :) You are loved and welcome here, no matter what skill level, for serious! :D xoxoox

Things to consider before joining:

Life Book is all about “inclusivity” and welcomes every person no matter gender, ethnicity, religious background or age. That said, the course might not be suitable for you if:

  • You are under the age of 18 – it is recommended that children and teenagers do the course with a parent or custodian mainly because of the personal development element of the course. (Many parents have done the course with their teenage or younger children, if you have questions about this pls email us on [email protected]).
  • If you are bothered by references that are more ‘new age/ “woo woo”‘ in nature. We may refer to concepts such ‘the inner goddess’, ‘the muse’, “Intuition”, “Angel Energy”, “Shamanism”, “Mandalas”, “Crystals”, “Yoga”, “Sacred Ritual”, “Being Here Now” etc.
  • If you strongly do not enjoy or if you do not want to be exposed to personal development/ healing concepts (though these sections can be skipped)
  • If you are hoping that each lesson will present a completely new technique and that no technique is ever repeated. Each lesson is fresh and newly created by each teacher, BUT we all work in the same field, so we will likely overlap with some techniques here and there. That doesn’t mean you don’t learn anything new because we all do something different with each technique, each teacher has their own unique style and creates amazing work, just be aware that some techniques may overlap or that some styles are similar.
  • If you hope that Life Book can be the sole treatment for an existing mental health issue (Life Book can be used in support of a therapy treatment, but should not be used as the only treatment for a mental health issue.)
  • If you don’t like drawing faces/ portraits. Though all lessons are different and many lessons will not include drawing/ painting a face, expect approx 30-40% of the lessons to include a face of some sorts (either attached to a little whimsical body or as an actual portrait by itself). The rest of the lessons can include: art journalling work, abstract shapes, natural shapes (flowers/ trees etc), animals, whimsical characters, landscapes including houses etc.

What do I need and need to know in order to join Life Book?

  • You will need a highspeed internet connection to be able to download and the videos. If you have a slower connection you can stream the videos online and/ or learn through the PDFs, but the best option is to have a highspeed internet connection.
  • It will be helpful to have a basic understanding of IT, like reading emails, navigating sites like Facebook and flickr etc. If you’re having trouble with some IT related stuff some help can be given, but in depth IT guidance cannot be given.
  • If you are planning on downloading and keeping the videos you will need to make sure you have “a few” gigabytes available. Each video can be between 200 – 900 MB in size. Multiply that by at least 32 lessons and you can see you’ll need quite a bit of space! (Aim for a minimum of 80 gbs – we recommend you buy a separate external hard drive to which you can download all the lessons). Unfortunately I am unable to offer the entire class on DVD/ CD (it would be at least 20 DVDs).
  • With regards to the personal development exercises: please understand that none of the art teachers on the course are qualified psychotherapists or psychologists. Therefore if you are prone to depression or if you think you might be triggered through one of the healing exercises it’s important that you only embark upon the healing exercises knowing that you have an adequate support system around in the form of friends, family and/or a therapist to help you deal with painful stuff should this happen. Though there will be an ’emotional support thread’ on the course available, the teachers and I are not able to provide you with in depth emotional support (as much as we would want to!)
  • This course should not be considered a substitute or a replacement for face-to-face therapy. It is designed to help and encourage the participant to love and accept themselves more fully through personal development exercises and connecting with their inner creative nature. Participants who suffer from any kind of mental health issues are advised to seek the help from mental health professionals. Life Book can be used as a supplement to any therapy treatment, but should not be used as a main form of treatment for any mental health issues.
  • The course is not based on any specific religious faith but may refer to and base lessons on and around ‘non-dual/ new age’ teachings. The course is inclusive of every human being regardless of their chosen faith (or non-faith). The theme focus of the course is ‘self-development/ self-love/ self-healing’. We may refer to concepts such as: “The Goddess in You”, “Intuition”, “Shamanism”, “Mandalas”, “Crystals”, “Yoga”, “Sacred Ritual”, “Being Here Now” etc.

Download the suggest basic supply list here.

We deeply hope you’ll join Life Book 2020!!

We appreciate the unique light that you will bring to the group! :)
See you there! <3

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate
to email us on [email protected]!! :)

Teacher Profiles Life Book 2020!

Class Schedule Life Book 2020!

Download the Suggested Supply List!


You will be able to:

    • Download all class materials to your machine, keep them forever
    • Learn many new mixed media techniques and styles
    • Grow and develop both personally and artistically
    • Receive extra inspiration, like PDF worksheets, art journal prompts, ATC swaps, guided visualisations & meditations, artist interviews etc!
    • Connect with like-minded creative people
    • Make new artistic connections
    • Become part of a buzzing/ thriving art community for a whole year!


Ready to sign up? Excited?! :)

Just pick one of the packages below, hit ‘add to cart’ and we’ll get you all set up to have a fantastic 2020! :) - Oh and just so you know; if you can’t wait until Jan 1st to get art-making, we’ve made some of our ‘premium packages’ EXTRA affordable this year! If you sign up to one of the premium packages, you get access to the self-study courses you’ve chosen IMMEDIATELY! YAY! So you can get your creative juices flowing in prep for Life Book 2020! Yay! You won’t have to wait until Jan 1st to access to your extra courses. Cool huh?! :D

If you want to GIFT Life Book to someone, click this ‘this is a gift’ tick box on the check out page and enter the recipient’s email address. They will then be set up with an account and notified that they received a gift from you! Aww. :) 

Please note: if you are based in Europe, VAT MOSS local tax will be included in the prices you see below. 

Basic Package

Basic Package

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person.

£109.00Add to basket

Premium Package

Premium Package

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to one of Tam’s other self study courses.

£121.00Add to basket

Rainbow Package

Rainbow Package

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to two of Tam’s other self study courses.

£132.00Add to basket

LB2020 Extreme

LB2020 Extreme

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to one of the “Life Book Tam Editions” – Please note: Life Book Tam editions include all of Tam’s Life Book lessons for that year: these classes DO NOT include the Life Book guest teachers’ classes from previous years – you’re only buying extra Tam classes from previous Life Book years.

£74.50Add to basket

LB2020 Double Extreme

LB2020 Double Extreme

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to two of the “Life Book Tam Editions” (choose on the next page) – Please note: Life Book Tam editions include all of Tam’s Life Book lessons for that year: these classes DO NOT include the Life Book guest teachers’ classes from previous years – you’re only buying extra Tam classes from previous Life Book years.

£88.00Add to basket

LB2020 ALL (the life book products) for total and complete Life Book junkies! :))

LB2020 ALL (the life book products) for total and complete Life Book junkies! :))

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to all seven of the “Life Book Tam Editions” (LB 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019 Tam Editions) – Please note: Life Book Tam editions include all of Tam’s Life Book lessons for that year: these classes DO NOT include the Life Book guest teachers’ classes from previous years – you’re only buying extra Tam classes from previous Life Book years.

£204.50Add to basket

Art Explosion Package!

Art Explosion Package!

Includes access to Life Book 2020 for one person + life long access to all eight of the “Life Book Tam Editions” (2012/2013/2014/ 2015/2016/2017/2018/2019) – (Please note: Life Book Tam editions include all of Tam’s Life Book lessons for that year: these classes DO NOT include the Life Book guest teachers’ classes from previous years – you’re only buying extra Tam classes from previous Life Book years.) + life long access to two of Tam’s other self study courses (choose below).

£207.00Add to basket

Pick & Mix! Create your own personalised package! :)

Pick & Mix! Create your own personalised package! :)

No size fits all right? And not all of our Life Book packages fits all either! If you have a package in mind that is not on this list, we will HAPPILY create this package for you, just email us with your wishes and we’ll provide you with a great deal! :) Email: [email protected]

Terms & Policies

* Monthly payment plans and plans for other packages are available!  Please email us on [email protected] to discuss bespoke payment plans

* All other currency listings are approximate and depend entirely on the daily exchange rate – final sales are in GBP – check for currency conversions).

* Refund Policy: Before the start of the course you can request a refund for the full course fee up to 60 days after the date of purchase. No refund can be given after the course has started.

* Other payment forms: You can pay through paypal or STRIPE (credit card) on this site, if neither of these two options suit you, we can also offer an international bank transfer. If you need to pay through this option, please email us on [email protected]. Please note: you can pay through paypal with a credit card even if you don’t have a paypal account

Discount Codes can sadly not be applied to the payment plans as payment plans are highly time consuming & costly to manage for the Willowing Team.

* When you buy any of Willowing Arts LTD products you agree to their Terms & Conditions which can be read here.