Tag: year long mixed media art course

October 26, 2023

Scholarships for Life Book 2024!

  Hey lovely friends! Last month, we had an amazing time dishing out numerous giveaways as part of the Life Book 2024 Taster Sessions. We were thrilled to award a total of 30 spots for Life Book 2024. The recipients of these spaces were randomly selected, and it’s important to note that financial circumstances weren’t a factor in these Read More

October 05, 2022

Scholarships for Life Book 2023!

  Applications Now Closed Hey lovely friends! Last month, we ran many giveaways as part of the Life Book 2023 Taster Sessions, we ended up giving away 30 spots on Life Book 2023! Wowsa! :) The winners of these giveaways were randomly chosen, not based on financial situations, so now it is time to open up Read More

October 27, 2021

Scholarships for Life Book 2022!

  Applications Now Closed   Hey lovely friends! Last month, we ran many giveaways as part of the Life Book 2022 Taster Sessions, we ended up giving away 40 spots on Life Book 2022! Wowsa! :) The winners of these giveaways were randomly chosen, not based on financial situations, so now it is time to Read More

October 14, 2019

20% off Life Book 2020! Now Open for Registration!

It’s time, it’s time, it’s tiiiiiime!!! I’ve been working my nose & ears off (15 hour work days for the past 3weeks!!) trying to get everything ready, beautiful and sparkly for, the grand opening and sale of, you guessed it; Life Book 2020 Yes yes, we (Team Unicorn) are now OPEN FOR BUSINESS! :D YAY! We Read More

September 22, 2019

Life Book 2020 – Teacher Line-Up – Give Away – Now Closed –

It’s here AND it’s time it’s time it’s tiiiiiiiiime to announce to you the AMAZING Life Book 2020 Teacher Line Up, hold a huge, big, mahoosive GIVE-AWAY and announce that we are giving out 10 scholarships this year! :D You ready? <3  New to me and to Life Book? What is ‘all the fuss’ about? :) Read More

October 09, 2018

Life Book 2019 – Teacher Line-Up – Give Away & Scholarships! Yay!

It’s here AND it’s time it’s time it’s tiiiiiiiiime to announce to you the AMAZING Life Book 2019 Teacher Line Up, hold a huge, big, mahoosive GIVE-AWAY and announce that we are giving out 10 scholarships this year! :D You ready? <3  New to me and to Life Book? What is ‘all the fuss’ about? :) Read More