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December 21, 2017

Release & Let Go – A Free Meditation for You!

Hello fellow travellers. As the end of year and the new year come closer I know that many of us can feel a sense of anxiety, fear, sometimes loneliness and worry. If you feel like this, know that you are not alone and that this is understandable and normal! The earth, its inhabitants and the Read More

December 01, 2017

Want to win a copy of my brand new book? :D

Ladies and jellyspoons badgers and blippy bloppies, here’s a message to let you know that the big ‘Tam’s Book’ blog hop has now commenced, huzzah! :D 15 wonderful current and previous Life Book teachers are taking part in this blog hop which involves give aways of copies of my brand spanking new book! Yay! I Read More

November 09, 2017

Introducing Limited Edition Hand Embellished Giclee Prints

Hello creative friend!! I have some wonderful news! I am finally able to offer ‘Limited Edition – Hand Embellished – Giclee Prints’! They look absolutely amazing. :) After many years of searching for an excellent printer company that could create the most lush, durable and outta this world gorgeous reproductions of my work I finally Read More

October 28, 2017

Tea and Cake with Gracie featuring Donna Mulholland

Hi Guys! Welcome to a series we run on the blog called: Tea & Cake with Gracie :) My awesome friend and colleague Gracie Howle interviews inspiring artists and posts the interviews (including some free offers not published elsewhere before) here on the blog every 2 months or so. I love to create art and Read More

October 25, 2017

Life Book 2018 – Winners Announced!

Hey you guys, what an amazing response we’ve had to the launch of Life Book 2018!! Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and excitement! โ™ฆโ™ฆโ™ฆโ™ฆโ™ฆ Now then, itโ€™s time to announce the winners and recipients of the scholarships! I LOVE give aways!! Itโ€™s been amazing to read everyoneโ€™s stories, messages and wishes and Read More

September 24, 2017

Star Girl – The Making of! :)

Hey lovelies, I’m in Poland at the moment about to go on ย a retreat where we’ll learn about bringing together NVC (nonviolent communication), Family Constellations and Neurobiology!! EXCITING and INTERESTING. :) I wanted to quickly share this new art video with you guys with some close up shots of my latest painting (Star Girl) – Read More

September 19, 2017

Tea and Cake with Gracie featuring Wendy Brightbill

Hi Guys! Welcome to a series we run on the blog called: Tea & Cake with Gracie :) My awesome friend and colleague Gracie Howle interviews inspiring artists and posts the interviews (including some free offers not published elsewhere before) here on the blog every 2 months or so. I love to create art and Read More

September 19, 2017

Self Love Gift for You <3

  Take a moment for you. Take a moment, right now, to breathe in love and exhale worry. On each in-breath, inhale the following sentences while exhaling anxiety, sadness, depression:     I am worthy. I am whole. I am good enough. I am sacred. I am loved. I am connected to the divine. I Read More

September 10, 2017

Stay Grounded – Free Meditation

Dear beautiful creative community, how are you all holding up out there? I imagine you may, like me, feel worried and unsettled with all that is going on in the world right now. A time of great turbulence and upheaval everywhere. I find myself being pulled in all sorts of directions empathically and it’s hard Read More

August 30, 2017

Wild & Free (Be Like Frida)

For this week’s Life Book lesson I created a painting inspired by the inspiringย Frida Kahlo. My lesson focuses on ‘transforming limiting beliefs into liberating beliefs’ and I find Frida such an amazing example of someone who defied societal expectations and -I assume- she also confronted her internal limiting beliefs looking at how she approached life Read More

July 30, 2017

My Fav Art Supplies – Updated! :)

Hey there fabulous friends! :) I was just checking up on my ‘favourite art supplies post’ from a while back and realised it’s dreadfully out of the date (read with dramatic voice!). So I felt called to do an updated ‘My Favourite Art Supplies’ post just for you, because I love you and you smell Read More