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June 07, 2017

Some Vulnerable Sharing.

Ola from Spain dear friends. The world feels like it’s going up in flames while I calmly and peacefully listen to my children’s laughter (like bells ringing) as they splash around in a beautiful pool filled with fresh sparkly water. How can peaceful joy and abject devastating terror be present in the world at the Read More

June 02, 2017

Book Launch – Pre-order – I Wrote a Book You Guys! :D

I Wrote a Book You Guys! :D Hello most amazing friends! I wrote a book! I wrote a book!!! :D Can you believe it?! Let me tell you preabout how it happened! So, people have asked me for years if I would write a book, and I used to be reluctant as I’d seen many Read More

May 17, 2017

Winners Ever After Give Away and Registration now Open! :)

Ok you guys!! I’m totally ‘fairy-taled up’!! I’m currently eating, sleeping and breathing fairy tales, haha! :) Totally over excited teehee!! I dressed up as a fairy princess this weekend to do some filming for the promotional video for Ever After and now I’m ‘glittering up’ pretty much every day! :Dย  Anyhoo, you may already Read More

May 09, 2017

Tea and Cake with Gracie featuring Whitney Freya

Hi Guys! Welcome to a series we run on the blog called: Tea & Cake with Gracie :) My awesome friend and colleague Gracie Howle interviews inspiring artists and posts the interviews (including some free offers not published elsewhere before) here on the blog every 2 months or so. I love to create art and Read More

May 02, 2017

Ever After 2017 – Blog Hop & Give Away – Yippee!

Abracadabra ziggidy zoo, ala kazam, bippity boppity BOO; iiiiiit’s BLOG HOP & Give Away Tiiiiime! :) Weeeee! :) Soooo, not long to go until Ever After 2017, my newest collaborative fairy-tale course will go on sale (17th May)! But before it does, we like to basically throw a mahoosive give-away arty blog hop party! :D Read More

March 20, 2017

Instagram Round Up: Flower Girls

Instagram round up of Flower Girls! :) (Follow me in on Instagramย HERE).ย  These flower girls keep turning up in my journal, I’m thinking of making them into a class, what do you think? There will be a heavy focus on working with Tombows and inks. :)ย 

March 07, 2017

Tea and Cake with Gracie featuring Violette Clark

Hi Guys! Welcome to a series we run on the blog called: Tea & Cake with Gracie :) My awesome friend and colleague Gracie Howle interviews inspiring artists and posts the interviews (including some free offers not published elsewhere before) here on the blog every 2 months or so. I love to create art and Read More

February 21, 2017

Artist Spotlight: Mahe Zehra Husain & a Give-Away!

Hi lovely readers! Gracie here from Willowing – hello! :) For our Artist Spotlight (a new feature we are running on the blog!) this month we are featuring Mahe Zehra Husainย with a bit of an interview and she’s also giving away a copy of the BRAND NEW bookย ‘Around the World with 80 Artists’ which is Read More

February 14, 2017

Free Valentine’s Gift for You!

Hello beautiful you’s. :)ย  ย  ย ย  Here is a special message to YOU on this Valentine’s Day. :) On V-day each year I like to change the focus a little bit from the love for and of “other” to the love for and of your beautiful glorious self.ย  I like to invite you this year Read More

February 08, 2017

Creating a Tam Dreamboard

Hey wonderful creative friends, here a little blog post about creating a (Tam) Dreamboardย that helps you manifest your dreams and call into your life what you want more of. My version of the dream board is a bit different from the more traditional one (where you mostly and only cut out collage pieces and glue Read More

February 07, 2017

Tea and Cake with Gracie featuring Melissa Dinwiddie

Hi Guys! Welcome to a series we run on the blog called: Tea & Cake with Gracie :) My awesome friend and colleague Gracie Howle interviews inspiring artists and posts the interviews (including some free offers not published elsewhere before) here on the blog every 2 months or so. I love to create art and Read More

January 19, 2017

Artist Spotlight: Carla Sonheim & a Give-Away!

Hello lovely people! Gracie here from Willowing – hello! :) I’m super excited and proud to present our Artist Spotlight of the month (it’s a new type of feature we are running on the blog!) We are featuring the one and only Carla Sonheim with a bit of an interview and she’s also giving away Read More