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October 09, 2018

Life Book 2019 – Teacher Line-Up – Give Away & Scholarships! Yay!

It’s here AND it’s time it’s time it’s tiiiiiiiiime to announce to you the AMAZING Life Book 2019 Teacher Line Up, hold a huge, big, mahoosive GIVE-AWAY and announce that we are giving out 10 scholarships this year! :D You ready? <3  New to me and to Life Book? What is ‘all the fuss’ about? :) Read More

September 20, 2018

Made of Mermaids – Jane Davenport Unboxing

Hey Good Friends! Many of you know that the magical Jane Davenport and I have been close art friends for many years now! I’m so very proud of everything Jane has achieved, it’s been a joy to see her come out with her amazing books and art supply line! I’m so blessed that she sent Read More

September 19, 2018

September Spotlight with Cat Caracelo

Hello Creative Friends! Once in a while we like shining a bright shiny spotlight on some amazing people out there who do amazing things!! For our very first spotlight we’d like to introduce you to artist, guidess and depth coach: Cat Caracelo! I love the work that Cat does with people, she dives deeply into Read More

September 16, 2018

Tea and Cake with Gracie featuring Katrina Koltes

Hello Friends! Welcome to a series we run on the blog called: Tea & Cake with Gracie :) Gracie interviews inspiring artists and posts the interviews (including some free offers not published elsewhere before) here on the blog. I love to create art and bring amazing artists & people together in my classes, in person Read More

September 02, 2018

Symbolism & Moon Energy

  Do you notice certain symbols suddenly popping up in your life and your art? I always think it’s a good idea to pay attention when they do. For me, it’s been the moon. The moon hasn’t previously played a big role in my life or my art, but lately, messages, insights, revelations connected to Read More

August 23, 2018

Rainbow Unicorn Give Away #3 – Yay!

Creative friends, I’m beyond excited to kick off the August, awesomely exciting & fabulously sparkly: Rainbow Unicorn Give Away! Over here at Willowing Arts we love connecting our beautiful audience of mixed media and personal development enthusiasts (YOUOUOU!) with inspiring businesses, people, services and products! What better way to do this by organising some super Read More

August 14, 2018

Do you need a little boost? Free Self Love Collage Sheet!

♥ Willowing Love Notes to Inspire Self Love & Self Care ♥ Hello fabulous friend, How are you doing? How is your heart? I hope you are gentle and kind with yourself no matter what is happening for you. I see so many people in pain, suffering and struggling. If you are in pain right now, please Read More

July 31, 2018

Are you stuck? Let me help you, you wonderful person you. <3

Willowing Arts Ltd – July Newsletter Hello spark of the universe, First up, I know I’ve not sent a love note in a while, so let me remind, right now, of your innate beauty, strength, courage, bright shining light. Yes, you are and have all that. You are a shining bright star beyond measure. Doesn’t Read More

July 15, 2018

Tea and Cake with Gracie featuring Micki Wilde

Hello Friends! Welcome to a series we run on the blog called: Tea & Cake with Gracie :) Gracie interviews inspiring artists and posts the interviews (including some free offers not published elsewhere before) here on the blog every 2 months or so. I love to create art and bring amazing artists & people together Read More

June 21, 2018

Rainbow Unicorn Give Away #2 – Yay!

Creative friends, I’m beyond excited to kick off the June, awesomely exciting & fabulously sparkly: Rainbow Unicorn Give Away! Over here at Willowing Arts we love connecting our beautiful audience of mixed media and personal development enthusiasts (YOUOUOU!) with inspiring businesses, people, services and products! What better way to do this by organising some super Read More

June 14, 2018

She Blooms – Free Video

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anais Nin Watch how I created this painting in the video below which was first published as part of Woman Unleashed in December 2017. A new round of Woman Unleashed is beginning again soon! Join us Read More

June 07, 2018

you are a breathing thing

Hi friend. :) I’ve been playing with abstract art and reading Nayyirah Waheed poetry. This poem by her: be softer with you. you are a breathing thing. a memory to someone. a home to a life. touched me so much this week and thought it would possible speak to you too. So I added her Read More